1300 145th Street East
Rosemount, MN 55068
United States
This is the average annual amount that first-time, full-time undergraduate students pay at this institution after subtracting all grants and scholarships from the cost of attendance.
Show Net Price details
This net price data shows the average amount students have paid, according to their family income, after subtracting all grants and scholarships.
College Profile
Show Undergraduate Student Body details
Student Success
Show Graduation Rate 2-yr Institution details
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Campus Settings
Financial Aid
The following information pertains to first-time full-time undergraduate students.
Show Financial Aid details
Cumulative Debt
This section shows the median debt graduates incurred to complete their degree at this institution.
- Associate's Degree: $12,000
- Undergraduate Certificate: $9,406
- Associate's Degree: 45%
- Undergraduate Certificate: 40%
Admission Information
- System applications (online)
- System applications (paper)
- School applications (online)
- School applications (paper)
- ACCUPLACER, some programs have additional testing requirements.
- High School Diploma or GED
- Transcripts
- Campus visit recommended, but not required, an application, $20.00 application fee, immunization form, high school diploma, GED or DD Form 214. (some programs have additional requirements)
- Accepts dual credits
- Accepts exam-based credits
- Institution awards credits for military training
Financial Aid Application Deadline
The college has spring and fall deadlines for scholarship applications. Please refer to the college scholarship website for more information. * http://www.dctc.edu/admissions/pay-for-college/scholarships/ *
Open Admissions Deadline
First come-first served