Staff Writer

Staff Writer

MN Office of Higher Education

While your education is the main reason to attend college, there’s so much more to look forward to as well. It’s a time for personal growth, exploration, and building a network of people with both similar and diverse perspectives. By engaging in clubs, extracurriculars, and social activities that support your long-term goals in college, you'll enhance your college experience and set yourself up for success beyond graduation. 

Group of diverse college students smiling while meeting.

Are you looking for clubs that match your interests and long-term goals? Here is how to find clubs, extracurriculars, and social activities that will support your long-term goals. The amount of things to do can be overwhelming to choose from, so read our guide below for six helpful steps to get started.

Step 1: Decide What Your Goals Are

Before exploring activities, take some time for self-reflection. Consider your passions, interests, strengths, and weaknesses. What kind of clubs will help you achieve your goals and grow personally? College is a great place to try something new for the first time, and extracurriculars provide an environment where you can learn and be supported. Even if the club may not seem like it relates to your area of study, be open to what inspires you – there’s a good chance it will enhance your classroom experience as well.

Step 2: Find Your School’s Online Listings

Check your school’s official website, bulletin boards, and social media platforms for information on existing groups. Many colleges have online platforms or apps dedicated to student activities. These often provide a full listing of clubs, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities. Whether you’re interested in a group focused on academics, your future career industry, religion, language, sports, entertainment, social causes, or something else, exploring what’s available through your program or on campus is a great way to find others with similar priorities.

Step 3: Attend an Activities Fair

Most colleges host activity fairs toward the beginning of each semester, where various clubs and organizations showcase their offerings. During these events, you can speak with current members and get an idea of what life is like once you’ve joined a club. Attend these fairs to meet current members, learn about their activities, and sign up to join activities that match your goals and interests. If you sign up for information about a club, you can also decide whether you want to become a member later on.

Step 4: Talk with Your Peers and Professors

Networking is a valuable skill that can open doors to new opportunities. Connect with peers, professors, and alumni who inspire you or are involved in activities that you’re curious about. Professors will know about extracurriculars in your area of study and can provide valuable insights and introduce you to relevant clubs or organizations.

Step 5: Evaluate Whether a Club Is Right for You

Once you’ve found organizations that fit your goals and interests, it’s time to start exploring them further. Once you attend an event, you might find that clubs are not in line with your goals, and that’s perfectly fine. Many students, like you, will be figuring out what activities make sense at the beginning of the semester, and it’s normal to join clubs before deciding they aren’t for you. Schedules, meeting locations, and the people involved can help you decide if the extracurricular can fit into your student life.

Step 6: Make Extracurricular Activities Part of Your Academic Life

After you’ve settled into an organization that fits with your goals and student life, you can begin to plan how it will shape your academic career long term. As you continue attending events, you can start planning how you can grow with the organization. You can pursue leadership opportunities within the club and help other students like yourself. Many colleges provide opportunities for you to start your own club and create a space for like-minded students to expand their horizons. Whatever you decide, you’ll make the most of your college career by staying consistent in your participation of that club.

College is a time for self-discovery, and extracurricular activities are among the best ways to explore new opportunities.Trying something new can be unfamiliar, but rest assured, you will be surrounded by other students on the same journey of self-discovery. Through your participation in school clubs, you’ll make new friends, uncover new talents, strengthen your resume, and enrich your life. 


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